VR headsets

5L have had a great time immersing themselves in a rainforest, socialising with sloths, cheetahs and even tarantulas!

PE days

Year 5 will have PE on a Thursday, please can children come to school in their PE kits ready for their PE lesson.

Our reading winners!

Well done boys! Enjoy your Amazon voucher!

-Miss Blackham


Year 5 and 6 Cadbury’s World Visit reminder

Dear Parent/Carer, 

To support our new expedition, ‘Why should we help our planet survive?’ Year 5 and Year 6 will visit Cadbury’s World in Birmingham, where we will have the opportunity to Discover flora, fauna and creatures of the Ghana rainforests, linked to Science & Geography. Children will have the opportunity to learn about the different features of the rainforest and the different animals that can be found within it. Enhancing learning outside of the classroom. 

Year 5’s and 6’s trip will be on Monday 18th September 2023.

The cost of the trip will be £21 per pupil (£3 per pupil will be paid by school and this has already been taken off the price).  Please be advised that this needs to be paid by Monday 11th September and is payable via ParentPay from today. Please be aware that if we do not receive sufficient payments, then the trips may not go ahead. Your child will need to be in school for no later than 7am on the day of their trip to allow for the bus to leave at 7:15am and children will return at approximately 4pm. 

Please indicate if you are happy for your child to attend this trip by completing the form below or completing the form on this link: Link to digital consent form

All children will require a packed lunch for the day of the trip. If your child is entitled to free school dinners and requires a packed lunch from school, please let us know by completing the relevant section on the form below. 

Any questions regarding this visit, please ask your child’s teacher. 

The Year 5/6 Team

Pride of Plover

Well done to Barrington 5L yellow tshirt winner this week, what a superstar!

What a fabulous start to hook week in UKS2 💙

Year 5&6 have had a fabulous start to hook week this morning! They have started creating their greenhouse and I am so excited to see it finished! Thank you to everyone who brought in plastic bottles- please keep them coming! The children have also been immersing our environments by creating a range of rainforest animals to display. I can’t wait to see what they get up to for the rest of the week!

-Miss Blackham
