Year 5 PE

Today, in preparation for a competition, year 5 continued with their skills. There was a new challenge added today which was the ring toss, which some found challenging but all found fun after watching the smiles on their faces. They also continued with the standing long jump, the chest push with a ball, and speed bounce.

Well done year 5 for persevering!


Y5/6 Athletics Tournament Reminder Today at Trinity Academy

Just a reminder, can these children come in their PE kit and trainers today please:

Y5 – Darwin, Shayen, Sumit, Tommy R, Cameron, Szymon, Johnny, Lexi, Ella B,

Y6 – Rhys, Toni, Hilihang, Lily-Grace, Caziyah, Eva W, Isabella D, Emilee.

Can parent drivers meet at Plovers main reception for 12.10pm, ready to set off at 12.15pm please.

The athletics tournament starts at 1pm and Finishes at 3pm – we aim to he back at Plover for 3.30pm.

Thanks, Mr Meade

5L debate

5L were great historians today. They acted as children working 12 hour shifts in factories and then debated over whether they thought this was an acceptable thing for children to do at such a young age.

Crew Lotysz team building

This morning we worked together in small groups to make numbers out of number cards. Crew Lotysz showed great resilience and were very competitive!

TTRockstars superstars

Well done to this week’s TTRockstars winners.

Crew Lotysz were the overall winning crew on TT this week, well done my crew!

We are historians

5L have been consolidating their learning of understanding primary and secondary sources.

We are historians

Year 5 have been researching the history of trains and producing a timeline.

Year 5 PE

Year 5 have been working on their athletic skills today by practicing a variety of skills. They worked together to do relay races (passing on the baton), long jump, speed jump and chest push with a ball. All children had a go working in teams to complete all of the challenges.


Library visit

5L enjoyed their visit to the library this morning.