We are mathematicians

5L have been looking at cube numbers and using the multilink to test out if a number is a cube number.

We will remember them!

A huge shout out to our gorgeous Year 5’s who with some support from Year 2 pupils, led today’s remembrance assembly. I am so proud I just had to share the gorgeous song they finished their assembly with!

-Miss Blackham


Boggledybook’s Book Fair

On Thursday 16th November, we are delighted to have local book shop ‘Boggledybooks’ in school to run their brilliant value book fayre.

All books are brand new and £1, £2 or £3 so it is a great opportunity to get stocked up for Christmas.

They will be in school all day, so your child can bring in money and will be taken to the book fayre to choose a book. If you prefer to visit yourself, they will be in school till approx 3:45.

We look forward to seeing you then.

Mrs Graves


Thank you to everyone who attended our family learning event 💙

A huge thank you to everyone who came to our family learning event. I am so impressed with the sewing skills everyone demonstrated this afternoon. The beautiful felt animals will be given out to children this Christmas at our local hospice.We will share further details of when our animals will be donated in due course.

Thank you again!

-Miss Blackham


We are mathematicians

Year 5 have been working on square numbers in maths today. For more practise please access Freckle on a regular basis using the code lotysd.

Our home learning superstars! 💙

So proud of these superstars who each won a book as a result of awesome home learning! It is amazing to see how many of our superstars are engaging with extended study at home so we have just restocked our prizes and our next winners will be drawn next month!

-Miss Blackham


UKS2 family learning Thursday 9th November at 1:30pm.

Just a reminder of our UKS2 family learning event. We hope to see you there! We will be collaborating to design and sew a range of rainforest cuddly toys to donate to our local children’s hospice for Christmas. It would mean so much to see as many parents as possible join our event. We will also be holding a ‘guess the teddy’s name’ event to raise funds for our leavers hoodies.

-Miss Blackham 


Awesome home learning!

I feel so privileged that children in 5/6 want to come and show me their awesome home learning! Just look at Jude’s awesome effort! He has worked so hard to make a beautiful plant arrangement! 10 crew coins Jude!

-Miss Blackham
