AM Crew Party

We are so proud of how F1 have adapted to school routines this week, you have all been little superstars! This morning we have enjoyed a crew party to celebrate our achievements, we have played turn taking party games and worked on our motor skills by spreading our own sandwiches.


Self Portraits

This week we have used different materials to create portraits of ourselves. We thought carefully about what hair colour we needed and what other features we needed to include.

Miss Wood


F1 Messages

On Friday (8th) we will be having a crew party at school during the school day. Your child is welcome to come to school in their party clothes if they wish.

Next week we will be talking about our families and people that are special to us. Please could everyone bring in/send some family photos to me before Friday for children to talk about .

Miss Wood



Today we have been painting and exploring colour mixing. We have painted paper plates to create our faces and will add the details tomorrow.

Miss Wood


15 Hours Starting School

Our 15 hour children have settled amazingly into school. Itā€™s lovely to see the friendships being created already and how well they are adapting to school routines.
Miss Wood


Working Hard

Charlotte has settled back into nursery amazingly, she has done excellent tidying and helped her new friends.

Miss Wood


Getting Smart

Edith has settled beautifully into school today. She has blown us away with her number work and cutting skills. She has worked so hard, done great tidying and been so kind to her peers. Keep working hard Edie.

Miss Wood


First Day Of School

Our 30 hour children have had lots of fun this morning settling into F1. We have been exploring the sand, water, play dough, outdoors and have sat together for songs and rhymes.
We spoke about what we are excited to play with in nursery and what we want to be when we grow up. Myself and Mrs Melady are excited to watch you grow and learn over the next year.

Miss Wood
