Wow, what a wonderful across Year 2 this week!
In Maths, we have been starting to grapple with different ways to show numbers to 100 and how to read and write numbers to 100.
In our expedition, ‘Rags to Riches: What lies within the castle walls?’, we have been learning about what a castle is, learning about the different parts and the 3 main types of castles. We looked at the stone keep castles that we will create a model of as part of our final product work.
In phonics, we have been working revising our phonemes, getting to grips with our new way of learning phonics and reading words with the -IRE phoneme. We have really worked hard to read fluently on the new books! The crew leaders can’t wait to see how many children have been working hard to read at home as well!
And sadly, today we have been remembering the life of our fantastic Queen Elizabeth. our crew leaders were blown away by the maturity and respect we showed during our discussion and minutes silence.