Super Scientist Expert from Svalbard

We have been so lucky today to meet a real-life polar bear scientist in a live online call.

Joanna really brought our expedition to life today, when she talked to us about her job studying polar bears and telling us about how they live on the arctic ice.

She was so enthusiastic about her work and shared images and videos of the polar bears and told us about how she wasn’t that great when she was at school, but had a passion for animals and followed her heart and is now doing the job of her dreams.

It was amazing to talk to her as she actually lives in Svalbard – in a town which is possibly the most northerly inhabited place in the world. It was the afternoon while she was there, but it was pitch black, as they are currently experiencing the time of year when the sun never rises.

We will definitely be keeping in touch with her and sharing our beautiful work with her that we produce.

Mr Schofield and Mrs Graves
