Our early starters and new 30 hours children are enjoying their first day in nursery today! We are so proud at how well they have settled in and how smart and grown up they look. We can’t wait to welcome our 15 hour children on Monday.
2P continued to build our Crew, along with our learning skills, to paint our Fairy doors using our designs. Cooperation and collaboration are often the hardest skills to use and we did brilliantly! Keep it up 2P!
Everyone has worked so well today, discussing the positive parts that we ‘noticed’ and ‘praised’ about our anti-littering posters. Some superb advice was given in a kind and supportive way using the words, ‘I wonder if you could…’ when improvements could be made. I hope everyone is proud of their final products now that they have improved their first drafts. I praise how well every one responded to the advice they were given!
A huge shout out to Tommy who accomplished a life time achievement and used the toilet all by himself! Well done to Billy who has been absolutely awesome making friends, working hard and being so kind! #LovePlover
Half of F2M have loved their first day in school and have been absolutely brilliant! Learning routines, playing with friends, exploring their new environments. We can’t wait to meet the other half of F2M tomorrow. #LovePlover
In F2BP, we have been learning eachother’s names. We talked about feeling special when people know our names. We are going to be kind to our new friends by remembering their names to show we care. The photos show a game we played where we rolled the ball to a friend so they could say their name. After a few rounds, we rolled it to someone and said their name first. By the end, we remembered lots more names.
6B have had a fabulous first week back in school! Here they are in front of our lovely balloon arch to capture their final ‘first day’ back in primary school!
2P have started to answer our Crew guiding question. We discussed that building our community and showing kindness to others should happen everywhere. We have decided to create some fairy doors that we will place in the local community to help cheer everyone up. There will also be some little surprises placed with them! We used our collaboration and critique skills today to design what we wanted to add onto our doors.
3H have spent time looking at a range of different anti-littering posters today. They critiqued the examples we gave them, pointing out the strong elements as well as areas which could be even better! Then designed their own. Some very thoughtful suggestions were made about why it is so important to make sure we ‘Bin it, don’t drop it!’
Well done guys. You were fab for Miss Wood this morning and worked so hard with me this afternoon too!
Also, I hope you enjoyed the time you spent with the graffiti artist…just look at your finished product! WOWEE! Please, please, please 3H, take your parents, carers and/or other adults who collect you from school around to see the wall you helped to paint. It really is a piece of art to be proud of and you’ll have your mark on the building forever! Imagine when you’re grown up and bringing your own kids to Plover…You could say, “I did that!”