Happy Easter

Thank you to everyone that has been on Google Classrooms to say hello today. Thank you to Paul for sending us a video!

Miss Lister, Miss Lotysz and myself would all like to wish you a happy Easter. We hope the Easter Bunny manages to get to your house and bring you an egg!

We will be back on Monday, Miss Lotysz will be online to say hello! We are all looking forward to the start of our new expedition. There is lots of hard work going on at the moment to make sure that even though you aren’t at school, we can continue with the same project, just in a slightly different way. We can’t wait to share it with you a week on Monday.

We also hope you enjoy today’s video. Miss Blackham really is working hard to keep us all together in the safest way possible during this time. The words are very true. We will see you again – we just aren’t quite sure when yet!

Keep safe everyone.

MissTopliss, Miss Lotysz and Miss Lister