Good Afternoon from KS1 Crew

Hi Everyone,

Firstly let me give a ‘Shout Out’ to Paul who was our Yellow T Shirt winner on Friday.  Paul has been fabulous during our remote lessons, he is always eager to share his thoughts and it’s great that he keeps the conversation going.


Secondly the whole crew in KS1 would like to give out shout out to our pupils and parents who have persevered with remote learning.  We know that some of you have struggled with internet access and using technology (this includes me!). But the uptake to online learning has been fantastic.  Let’s keep this going.


Can I ask that you use the children’s Plover school emails when accessing Google Classroom and the live learning, other passwords will result in you not having permission to access.  I know we have spoken to some parents that are struggling with remote learning, if you feel you do need any further support please let us know usually we can get you up and running quickly.  Lastly, where possible we would advise you to try to access the live lessons as a teacher will talk you through each slide which can be easier for you.


Many thanks again,


Mrs Coward and the KS1 Crew