F2P hangout

The next F2P hangout will be Monday morning at 10. This will then be a weekly event. An email has been sent to your child’s email address. If you haven’t managed to access your child’s emails yet, this is what you need to do.

Load the school website ploverschool.co.uk.

Then log in to the website.

Your username is the first initial of your child’s name followed by your surname eg Joanne Blog would be jblog

The initial password is pa55word. You will then change to a password you will remember. You will then be able to access your child’s emails.

  1. Go to your email (when you log in to the school website with your username and password the email icon is at the top – it looks like M)
  2. Accept the email invitation (this will be on your calendar ready for next week)
  3. Wait until next Monday!
  4. Before the meeting starts, open your emails again repeating step 1.
  5. Find 9 dots near to the top right hand corner of the screen.
  6. Click these dots and open calendar.
  7. Click the event . This will open a separate tab and you need to click join with Google Meet. You will then be taken to the meeting.

You can also use the APP if this is easier.

If you have problems logging on, I can add parent emails. Just let me know in an email or on Evidence me.

Looking forward to seeing you all. Bring something that you have learnt or made to show your friends.

Mrs Price