After watching our caterpillars form their chrysalisā over the last couple of weeks, today we came into school to find our first butterfly! The children were so excited.
Category : Science
The butterflies have hatched!
The children were very excited this morning to discover that the butterflies had hatched out of the eggs!
Mrs Price
Scientist Observation
1M looked at how our plants had grown over the last 2 weeks during their investigation. All 3 bean plants had sprouted and grown. We noticed the one without sunlight was white because it was lacking the nutrients and energy from the sun. The two which had sunlight were green but the one with water looked healthier and stronger with more leaves. The bag with no water, produced some water due to moisture. #ReadySteadyGrow #LovePlover

Y1 Hook Day
Two of the activities Y1 enjoyed in Mr Meade’s class today were Food Tasting and Fruit Bowl Art!
The children had to use their senses to predict this different flavours of crisps and biscuits!
Then drew a healthy colourful fruit bowl in their art books! #LovePlover

Science Experiment
1M loved being scientists and doing an experiment to investigate which bean will grow into the best plant. One with water and darkness, one with water and sunlight or one with just sunlight. #LovePlover

Working as scientists…..
This week we have been investigating everyday materials, learning about some of their basic properties and starting to think about what they can be used for.