Phonics progress

It has been lovely to listen to the children read over the last week as they gain confidence in sounding out and blending. John-Boy read really well today and was very keen to continue his reading. Well done John-Boy.

Mrs Price


Christmas film night for all! Monday 12th December -4:30pm

All children invited to stay after school on Monday 12th December for our Christmas film night. Tickets are Ā£1.50 and include entry, a hotdog, juice and an ice cream! Film night tickets can be paid for via parent pay! We hope to see you there!

-Miss Blackham


Celebration of learning

Thank you to all the adults who came to celebrate with us today. Michelle from the Neo-natal unit and Gemma from Changing lives came to join us and we donated 23 bears to each charity. We are so proud of our children for raising money for the bears.

We are looking forward to hearing the differences that the bears have made.

EYFS team

EYFS Christmas dates

Here is an update on dates for the next couple of weeks.

Monday 12th December 2022

Christmas Movie Night

Children to stay at school after school to enjoy a Christmas film and a treat.

Further details to follow

Wednesday 14th December 2022

EYFS Nativity Performance.

Times – 10.30 and 2pm in the main hall.

Thursday 15th December 2022

Christmas Jumper Day, Christmas Dinner and Christmas Party

Children will be invited to wear their Christmas jumpers to enjoy a day of Christmas fun.

Friday 16th December 2022

F2 to Flintwood Methodist Church to perform the nativity – am

Carols around the Christmas Tree (1:30pm)

The whole school choir presents ‘Carols around the Christmas Tree’

Come and join the whole school enjoying a medley of Christmas songs and festive fun.

Working hard

We were really impressed with Elizabethā€™s work today. She tried really hard with her letter formation. Well done Elizabeth.

Mrs Price
