Showing kindness

Two children in F2P showed lots of kindness today. John helped one of our nursery children when he was upset and showed him how to do a puzzle and share. Elizabeth was vey kind to children at dinner time helping them at the table. They have both been superstars!

Mrs Price


What a good reader looks like

It was lovely to see the things we have talked about in shared reading and what a good reader looks like shown by lots of the children today.

We have learnt to take turns as we read. We have learnt to listen and help our friends if they need help. We have learnt to sound out words pointing to them as we read.

Here are some photos of us reading.

Mrs Price


Nativity story

In preparation for our nativity next week, we have been learning to tell the story. The children have been sharing books and telling the story using puppets.

Mrs Price


Christmas pictures

It has been lovely to see children creating Christmas pictures on the large board and on paper. Some of the children tried to write words to match their pictures. Kaya drew lots of presents and added numbers for Santa to find them.

Mrs Price
