Festive Fun!

F2 have had a fabulous day enjoying their Christmas party, Christmas dinner and then practising for our carols around the tree tomorrow. Well done to Mateo and Summer our pass the parcel winners.

Donā€™t forget we are walking up to the church to perform our Nativity tomorrow so wrap up warm! We will then be singing carols around the Christmas tree, at the front of school, at 1:30pm, we would love to see lots pf grown ups there supporting us!

Miss Wood and Mrs Price

Joining in with learning

Elijah has our postcard today. He sat beautifully for our practice this morning, pretended to be Rudolph reading the carrot words and sat for the whole of shared reading on his own.

Well done Elijah. We are so proud of you today.

Mrs Price


Making a tree

It has been a day for making trees. We finished our tree on the Christmas card we have made for the church.

We also made trees by reading words and matching to the pictures. Some of the children enjoyed this activity yesterday too.

Mrs Price
