Our product – growing bulbs as a lasting legacy

We planted bulbs as our product to share our learning with our families and our community. Some of our bulbs grew quicker than we thought so we took our bulbs home today.

The children designed their sticks and plant pot covers. There is a QR code linking to the website of our expedition.

Next week we will begin sharing our bulbs with our local community to brighten their day.

Mrs Price


Our yellow t-shirt winner

Lola received our yellow t-shirt today. She is always kind and helpful. She has been helping other children to follow routines and showing them what to do. She has been a superstar.

Well done Lola.

Mrs Price


Working hard

Elizabeth has been working hard all week and today was able to read words and recognise graphemes. She was very proud of her achievements and shared her learning with her friends.

Well done Elizabeth. We are very proud of you.

Mrs Price


We did it!

Well done to F2P for 100% attendance this week. You did it! Let’s see if we can do the same next week.

Mrs Price


Making a shopping list

So that we can buy the correct quantities of fruit for fruit kebabs we made shopping lists today. The children chose three different fruit for their kebabs. Watermelon was the most popular.

Emorie wrote an extra list for us.

Mrs Price


Being smart

Maisie has worked really hard today in her writing, phonics and child initiated learning using lots of imagination. She has also been kind and has helped adults.

Well done Maisie.

Mrs Price


Is it healthy or not?

This morning in expedition we were sorting pictures into healthy foods and unhealthy food. We talked about some food being better for us and helping us to grow. We learnt that we can eat anything but some food isn’t as good for us and that if we ate a lot of any one food it might make us poorly. The children were interested to know that fruit has sugar in it!

This is what the children decided.

Mrs Price


Fabulous attendance

Lots of children have had 100% for their attendance over the last three weeks. Some children have been poorly but are attending and were in for a full week last week. All our children were in today. Well done everyone.

Mrs Price
