Working hard and being kind

We had 2 postcards given out this morning. John got his postcard for working hard at home with reading. Kyla got her postcard for being kind and helping her friends. A lovely start to the week – well done.

Mrs Price


Pretend planting

The potting shed was the most popular choice in outdoor play today. The children pretended to grow carrots and apples and talked about what the seeds would need to grow.

Mrs Price


Being confident

During assembly today Kaiden-John stood up in front of the whole school to show them the sign of the week. We were all very impressed. You are a superstar Kaiden-John.

Mrs Price


Outdoor music

The favourite activity for children outdoors today was being on the stage singing, dancing and making music. There were lots of costume changes! Children worked together to make music with different instruments.

Mrs Price


Working hard in writing

Flynn has been practicing his writing at home and this was very clear to see today in his writing. We have been learning to use spaces in our writing and Flynn remembered. He could also remember the graphemes that he was writing. Well done Flynn.

Mrs Price


Storytelling week

As part of storytelling week we created stories with our grown ups in book and a biscuit time. The children were excited to share their stories.

Mrs Price


Being healthy

We had a wonderful morning with our parents and carers learning about healthy food. The children made fruit kebabs to match their shopping lists. Some children painted and drew pictures. Some enjoyed tooth brushing.

Thank you to all the parents and carers who came. It was an amazing turn out.

Mrs Price
