Reading Rewards

Well done to all our F2 children that have read at least 4 times a week, for six weeks, this half term. They each got to choose a Mr Man book as their reward. Remember you can earn books next half term too by continuing to read lots at home! Lets see how many children can earn a book next half term.

Miss Wood and Mrs Price


Writing sentences

In provision today a group of children were writing sentences on their own. Ellie wrote her sentence and extended it for the first time. Well done Ellie.

Mrs Price


F2P Pride of Plover

Our yellow t-shirt went to Bailey today. He has been working hard even when he has found learning difficult. He has been helping his friends and using his imagination. Well done Bailey.

Mrs Price


There’s a spider!

Some of the children have shown interest in spiders and have been making spider hats. Lily and Elijah really enjoyed this activity. They both got postcards today for joining in with maths. Well done both of you.

Mrs Price


Crew celebration

For improved attendance this term the children chose to have donuts and popcorn which they really enjoyed. Keep it up F2P as your attendance this term has been so much better.

Mrs Price


Being kind

A shout out goes to Esme’ and John-Boy for being kind and helping their friends. They were nominated by their friends who were so happy with them.

Mrs Price


Being Kind

Flynn and Jennifer worked really well together this afternoon to complete a jigsaw. Dolunay recognised their collaboration and kindness towards each other and said she thinks they deserve a postcard.

Miss Wood


Being kind

Maisie has been kind today helping her friends with their learning and explaining things to them. Well done Maisie.

Mrs Price