Being creative

Well done to Kyla today who created her own representation of the life cycle of a caterpillar. She explained that there were 4 parts to the life cycle and was able to talk about each stage. She then drew it onto one page so that it was easier to share and she created puppets to help her friends with their learning.

Well done Kaya.

Mrs Price


We are scientists

This morning we learnt about the life cycle of the caterpillar. We learnt new words including metamorphosis. The children had to work together to recreate the life cycle and then tell each other what happens to a caterpillar.

Some of the children then created the life cycle in provision.

Mrs Price


What will you see in the woods?

We have been scientists and geographers today exploring the woodland in Sandall Beat Woods. We looked for signs of Spring and things that were growing. We even encountered the snow. Thank you to all the parents who helped.

Mrs Price


Making a caterpillar

We have been practicing fine motor skills. We are becoming confident at holding pencils but today the children used string, a hole punch and leaves to make caterpillars by threading.

They then took their caterpillars on adventures.

Mrs Price


Being kind

John has been very kind today helping other children to learn to play. He showed them what to do and how to do it and then included them in the play.

Well done John. This was such a good example of being kind.

Mrs Price


Making cress heads

As we move onto case study 3 to learn about how animals grow we finished off case study 2 by creating cress heads. The children planted cress into the eggs and we hope that they will grown to make the eggs look like they have hair.

Mrs Price


STEM challenge

The challenge today was to create a beanstalk that could stand up using paper.The winning design was by John-Boy and Kayson. It was tall and it stood up.

Well done to all the children who got it to stand.

Mrs Price


F2P yellow t-shirt winner

Well done to Harley for getting our t-shirt today. Harley has been working very hard especially in phonics. She is very kind and polite. Well done Harley.

Mrs Price
