Lily has been amazing today. She has been sitting on the carpet and has been using her voice. She followed instructions to get her coat too. Well done Lily. You have been a superstar.
Mrs Price

Lily has been amazing today. She has been sitting on the carpet and has been using her voice. She followed instructions to get her coat too. Well done Lily. You have been a superstar.
Mrs Price
Well done to Kaiden-John for completing the reading challenge. He was very excited to choose a book for home. We hope you enjoy the book.
Mrs Price
To kick off hook week we took part in a treasure hunt. This week we are focussing on maps and we followed clues to find the map. We took turns to read the clues and then Kyla found the map in the tree. We then looked at the book Martha Maps it out and found out that there are lots of different kinds of maps.
Mrs Price
Today we have been learning about money. We talked about how much things cost and ifwe had enough money to buy what we wanted. The children took turns being the customer and the shop keeper.
Mrs Price
We have had some super Easter bonnets. The children were exciting to show their friends.
Look at our creations.
The winner was Lola with Elijah and Kyla as runners up.
Well done everyone.
Mrs Price
Well done to Peyton for earning our yellow t-shirt. She has shown so much kindness to her friends and has been helping those who have been struggling. We are so proud of you Peyton.
Mrs Price
These are your F2 Children’s University codes for the Summer after school clubs. If you are new to school or haven’t yet signed up and would like to, please email [email protected] or see me on a Wednesday at 4pm at the year 5 door.
Mrs Shuka
We also had a visit of the fireman today. We learnt how to keep safe. We looked at the clothes the fire crew wear and even got to try it on.
Thank you to all our visitors this week.
Mrs Price and Miss Wood
Today we learnt the different jobs that the police go too and what you need to do to be a police officer. The children got to go in the police van and even go in the cell in the van.
Mrs Price and Miss Wood
We set the butterflies free today. The children were very excited as the butterflies came out of the net. They watched as they flew away. They made lots of comments about their beautiful wings.
Mrs Price