Bikeability Training in Y5

It was great to see so many Y5 children learning about safety and the basics of cycling today. Some of the children will advance onto street cycling tomorrow.

A big shout out to Morris, who grew in confidence when riding a bike for the first time this morning! #LovePlover

Sports Day!

2P had a great time this afternoon doing our annual Sports Day. It was surprisingly warm but we were all active and had a lot of fun.


Sporting Champions.

2P enjoyed the visit of Jason Cunningham. We learnt about his career and how perseverance was one of the biggest skills that needed to be learnt. Thank you for all of the money that has been raised. It will be used to enrich PE in school.

Plover’s Sports for Champions 2024 – Jason Cunningham

A huge thank you to former international boxing champion Jason Cunningham of Doncaster! Inspiring the next generation and putting all the Plover sporting champions through their paces.

Thank you to all families who raised money for our Plover Sports for Champions campaign! A big congratulations to the winning fundraisers Ruby-Ann, Karlie-Rose and Noah. Enjoy your active prizes!

We raised an incredible £875.19! #LovePlover

F2 Sports for champions

F2 have loved working with Jason Cunningham today, doing some exercises! We learnt about Jason’s boxing career and he taught us how to throw some punches. Ivy demonstrated to the children. We also practised some training exercises.

Noah won one of the prizes for bringing in lots of sponsor money. Maisie, Georgie, Thomas and Ivy also got certificates for the money that they raised.

Well done everyone.

Mrs Price and Mrs Bubb


F1 Sports For Champions

F1 have loved working with Jason Cunningham today, doing some exercises! We learnt about Jason’s boxing career and he taught us how to throw some punches. We also practised some training exercises.
A special shoutout to Jacoby, Penny, Sophia, Hana, Sophia, Maria and Rahaf who raised lots of sponsorship money, earning themselves a special certificate from Jason.

Miss Wood
