Life time achievements, team work, problem solving, having fun, perseverance and resilience. This is what out door play is all about! Shout out to Tommy, who can now balance and walk on the stilts.
It was great to see so many other children developing their gross motor and core skills and using their balance and coordination in PE to create and climb along their obstacle course. #LovePlover
F2 Afterschool Cosmic Yoga
ABC Bears in PE
Today in PE we had so much fun working on our fundamental ABC… agility, balance, coordination.
We moved at different speeds, in different directions, using different movements to work on our agility and coordination. We played games where we had to balance in different ways and keep our bodies under control, squeezing our core (tummy muscles).
Shout outs to Liarna, Larah-Jean, Charlotte, Jacoby and Niarna for being our PE sticker superstars! #LovePlover
Making 2 and 3 in Maths
On Monday we explored the number 2. We noticed one and one more makes two. Children were able to subitise 2 quickly and make groups of 2. Yesterday and today we explored the number 3. Children noticed 1 and 1 and 1 makes 3, but also 2 and 1 makes 3. Children were speedy at subitising 3 and then they enjoyed going outside to make a collection of 3. #LovePlover
The Everywhere Bear, everywhere in PE!
Yesterday in PE F2 developed their jumping combinations. They used their head – to think of different jumping combinations, their hands – to complete different jumps combinations in games, their heart – to help and listen to their friends ideas to make a jumping bear obstacle course. #LovePlover
PE in 3B
For this week’s PE session, we worked on the skill of passing the ball. Everyone worked hard on perfecting the skills required to kick the ball with control and accuracy to their partner. Well done!
Miss Brown
Balance Bikes in F2
We practised putting on and taking off helmets safely. Then learned the parts of our balance bikes. Before speeding around like shooting stars! #LovePlover