Gingerbread Making

As part of another Hook week activity 1M enjoyed making and baking ginger bread people! This will link to a key text later on in the expedition when we become design technologists in cooking. We look forward to decorating them tomorrow 🍪 #LovePlover

3D shape making

I praise Raegan’s Santa Sleigh.

I praise Angelica and Pheobe’s Christmas tree.

I praise Neveah’s elf workshop.

I praise Alec and Jayce’s 3D towers!

Maths Week – Friday’s Solution

How many texts?

Pete, Sarah, Matt, Amy and Luke are all friends.
Each of them sends one text message to each other person. How many messages are sent in total?

Answer = 20

We are mathematicians!

These past two weeks 3B have beeb grappling with a new math concept of column addition and subtraction. All have worked super hard and the progress made has been amazing! Also we now have some fabulous coaches who are a wonderful help.

Big shout out to Bahman and Olivia for doing some extra maths work out of school! Vivan has also brought in a lovely poem made at home too.

Keep up the great attitude to learning!

Miss Brown


Expeditionary Maths

As part of the expedition – Regs to Riches: What lies within the castle walls? we have been designing and making catapults.

After successfully building two different kinds, we decided to use our maths skills and measure how far each catapult could fire the projectile.

First, we discussed how to make this a fair test.

I can make 5 and record in different ways.

This week we have been making 5 in different ways. The children have been challenged to record what they found out. Over the week they have drawn Numicon, beads, used a part whole model and today they used numbers alongside manipulatives including their fingers. Some children are able to say number bonds without using manipulatives.

I am looking forward to next week when we learn greater and less than.

Mrs Price


Maths Week Challenge – Friday

How many texts?

Pete, Sarah, Matt, Amy and Luke are all friends.
Each of them sends one text message to each other person. How many messages are sent in total?

Share your answers with your teachers tomorrow and check back in tomorrow for the answer

Thursday’s Maths Challenge Solution

Space Mission

A rocket blasts off from Earth heading for Mars, getting faster as it travels. In fact, the rocket’s speed doubles every week that it’s in space. If the rocket lands on Mars in week 12, in which week was it halfway there?

Answer: week 11