Active Scientific Learning in Year 3

Year 3 have played food chain tag today. Some of us pretended to be grass, which was eaten by those of us who were deer. Then in turn, the deer were eaten by the wolves. Seeing the visual effect of this food chain made us realise that the wolves were the apex predators in this example. The children had fun, got active and learnt lots all at the same time.

Mrs Haycock


Marvellous manipulatives!

In Year 3, we have been using manipulatives to deepen our understanding of equal grouping as our first step into Multiplication and division. Children have successfully used cubes to represent requests such as 6 equal groups of 5 and 5 equal groups of 6, making links that they have the same total value. Well done everyone, you worked really hard; used the cubes to get smart; were kind to others by helping out when needed; and produced some beautiful work too! Thank you Year 3ā€¦you rock!

Mrs Haycock


See How Things Grow – Hook Week

In hook week so far the children have been enjoying exploring our provision areas and learning about our bodies, themselves and humans! Children have being creating body box models, giving baby baths, imaginative play in the home corner and making different body parts. #LovePlover

Welcome Back!

It has been brilliant to see all of the children back after the break. They are all energised and excited to get into our new Expedition. This term, we are asking ourselves ‘How can I be the healthiest version of me?’ 2P started by exploring our new English text ‘Supertato’. We used inference skills to predict what the story might be about. We then read the story and created our own superhero masks. In Expedition, we learnt a performance song all about bananas. The video is below for you to enjoy! We can’t wait to do our Bushtucker trial later in the week!


Toddler Visit

Today, we had the cutest visitor ever! Our children loved comparing and learning the difference between a baby and a toddler. They asked some fab questions to find out what our toddler Gracie can and canā€™t do. Thank you to Beth and Gracie, you brought so much joy to everyone in EYFS this morning! #LovePlover

We are building our art techniques in 6B

6B have inspired by the artist ā€˜Giulio Campagnolaā€™ who invented the stippling technique to improve his variations of tone. The children have applied stippling to their sketches of Ben Parkinson. I canā€™t wait to see their final drafts!

-Miss Blackham


Baby Visit

It was lovely having our special visitor yesterday! The children were in awe at Baby Yaya and asked some brilliant questions about what a baby needs. #LovePlover

Hooking LKS2 into What makes us human?

Happy New Year!

We have had a great start to our new expedition – “The Power of Life – what makes us human?”

It was great to see all costumes in the “dress-up as a robot’, especially all the time and effort that had gone into the outfits.

We spent the morning in our crews in mini workshops to give us a flavour of some of the learning we are going to be doing this term. Children had to workout the guiding question using clues given at the end of each workshop.

Children enjoyed exploring the internal organs, skeleton and muscles using AI and interactive games. They had a go at classifying robots, made electronic circuits, created robots and had fun with jigsaws.

As reward for solving the puzzle and in preparation for Friday’s learning, we spent the afternoon watching the film Robots.

Mrs Graves and Miss Vine


We are problem solvers!

Years 3 and 4 have worked with each of the six crew leads today to carry out a range of activities that link to our new learning. If successful, they were given a word from the crew leader. Then they had to shuffle these words around so they made sense as a title and question. We finally worked it outā€¦

The power of life: What makes us human?

Well done to everyone who managed to complete Mrs Haycockā€™s challenge of beat the buzzer. Everyone successfully built their wire buzzer (or in our case light) game! Extra shout out to the 6 children who managed to complete the game without setting the buzzer off.

I hope you all had fun in my session guys; I know I had lots of fun and that I am very proud of you all!

Mrs Haycock
