Year 5 have been preparing speeches against deforestation; its causes, effects and how to reverse it.
Well done on using the success criteria to give specific and helpful critique 5K.

Year 5 have been preparing speeches against deforestation; its causes, effects and how to reverse it.
Well done on using the success criteria to give specific and helpful critique 5K.
Year 5 have been learning all about fractions and changing improper fractions to mixed numbers. Pupils were busy coaching and explaining how to convert them.
Well done to the winners of the World Book Day competition! Here are the winners with their prizes. Well done and thank you to everyone who entered, there were so many fantastic and creative ideas. They are proudly displayed in phase areas for everyone to enjoy. #LovePlover
What a fantastic trip to XP the digital leaders had today. We worked together to unpick what a good digital leader looks like and what they would be able to do to help teachers throughout the school.
Miss Lotysz
Well done to the winners of the Air Pollution posters. The winning posters were decided by Doncaster Council and the children were presented with a brand new scooter and a helmet. A big thank you to all the children who designed posters; it was a hard decision to make.
Thank you to Kixx for a fun session during Plover Praise Time this afternoon. Thank you to Mrs Pass, who acted as chief photographer! #LovePlover
Ahead of World Book Day, which is held on Thursday 3rd March, we would like to invite all children to make a book character from a toilet roll tube (or something of an equivalent size that you have at home). You can bring them into your class on World Book Day and one child from each phase will win a special prize! Below are some photos that might give you some inspiration but please let your imaginations run wild! We can’t wait to see your creations! #LovePlover
5K have been preparing a speech to read aloud in class. Their peers then gave them critique on their strengths and how to improve.
Here are Year 5 and 6 representatives looking out for good parking and parking that could have been improved upon! I wonder if you got a ticket if you were parked around Intake today. I know I did! Well done to all Y5 and Y6 today, the officers and representatives from the council commented to Mrs Ogle on your excellent behaviour. #LovePlover
Year 5 have been learning about anti social behaviour and road safety in school today with the Police. They talked about how to cross a road safely and what behaviours can cause a problem in our community.