Work Hard, Get Smart, Be Kind

Samuel has been working hard with his writing today. Aland has been getting smart with his maths. Neriya has been kind and made a beautiful painting in literacy labs. #LovePlover

Pride of Plover in 1M

Congratulations to Rufus who is this weeks yellow T-shirt winner! Rufus has settled into Plover superbly and was absolutely fantastic at last Fridays trip to the Deep, asking lots of questions. This week he has continued to work hard and included his marine knowledge into his writing. #LovePlover

Food Chains in Expedition

This morning the children learnt about food chains and why they happen! They enjoyed acting our and then covering/eating their prey. #LovePlover

Text Marking and Literacy Labs

This morning after a super phonics session children have been reading a non-chron about Polar Bear and then collaboratively highlighting the key features (punctuation, conjunctions and adjectives).
They then enjoyed their literacy labs where they were getting crafty, beings artists, reading facts, labelling and practising their phonics. #LovePlover

Compassionate Home Learning

A big shout out to Atlas for his home learning project this weekend. He used a plastic bottle and has recycled it to make a bug hotel habitat. We will hang it in our playground for any creatures to chill out in. This links very much to our science. #LovePlover

Children Exploring Freckle

After children completed their maths entry tickets today they logged onto their maths Freckle accounts to explore the learning games and tasks they can access at home.
Details for logins will be sent out tomorrow for Freckle and Reading Eggs. #LovePlover

1M @ The Deep

We have all had a brilliant time exploring, researching and experimenting all the different marine life today at The Deep!

Check out all the pictures and videos of the superb day below.

Thank you to all parents, staff and Crew at the Deep for their continued support! #LovePlover

Critiquing Writing

Children wrote some facts about what they have learnt about animals in the sea this week. They then read and shared their writing before sharing critique. #LovePlover

Fab Home Learning Casey

Check out this fish house that Casey has made at home. This links directly to our expedition science study about animals, the sea and habitats.Ā  Ā Then today in expedition our children worked collaboratively to identify animals by their characteristics ! #LovePlove