Crew Meade were delighted to have not one… but two yellow T-shirt winners this week! Huge shout outs to Ruben and Nevaeh for your awesome learning last week. #LovePlover
WOW project
Year 1 absolutely loved the activities this morning organised by the council and Miss Lister, even during the snowy conditions! They cycled, made smoothies, learnt circus tricks and played the floor is lava!
Our children want to help save the planet and have learnt about how we can do this by cutting down our emissions and walking or doing exercise to come to school. #LovePlover
Shout out to Casey and Elian
Well done to these two superstars who have made a great start on their news paper report writing about plastic pollution! #LovePlover
Catchy Graffiti Headlines
Children practised writing some awesome, funny and serious headlines yesterday in preparation of their writing opportunity today for their news report! Check out Amazing Atlas who has used alliteration…#LovePlover
World Book Day Competition
Ahead of World Book Day, which is held on Thursday 3rd March, we would like to invite all children to make a book character from a toilet roll tube (or something of an equivalent size that you have at home). You can bring them into your class on World Book Day and one child from each phase will win a special prize! Below are some photos that might give you some inspiration but please let your imaginations run wild! We can’t wait to see your creations! #LovePlover
Green peace Expert
Yesterday, Dawn an expert worker for Green Peace came in and shared some valuable knowledge about how we can help to save our beautiful world. The children learnt about how damaging single-use plastic is, so don’t be surprised if they start changing their habitats to make a difference to our planet! #LovePlover
Finding Features
This morning 1M were critiquing different news paper reports and then they completed the jigsaw to make our writing model. They finished by labelling the features a news report has: Name of newspaper, Title/heading, picture and caption, opening paragraph, information. #LovePlover
Plover Praise Postcards
Check out all the celebrations of learning we had on the final day of half term. It is fabulous to see so many children reading, attending school everyday and being kind.
Congratulations to our Y2 digital leaders Brooke, Peyton, Nelly and Lucas who will be helping staff and children with technology throughout school. #LovePlover
Pride of Plovers in KS1
Well done to Samuel 1M, Hania 2P and Isla 2P who won the yellow T-shirt before half term! We can’t wait to see them next week wearing their yellow T-shirt loud and proud being true role models. Not only do they work hard in school but also work hard at home and continue to get smart. #LovePlover