KS1 Pride of Plovers 🌟

A huge well done to all our yellow T-shirt winners in year one and year two. It is clear to see how proud they all are and what great roles models they’ll be next week.
1M – George always tries his best, has been to school everyday this week, completed all his home learning and been trying really hard with his reading.
1N – Anywn was ill last week, however this didn’t stop her working hard as she completed all her home learning pack and has continued that same hard work in school this week.
2P – Mia always produces exceptional work, but this week her final write is just phenomenal. Future author in the making?
2B – Roscoes confidence and effort in class has grown so much this week. As well as producing some excellent home learning. Keep it up buddy!

Life Cycle Learning!

Today we have been learning about simple life cycles (we focused on the life cycles of a frog) and habitats! I wonder if any of you can write sentences at home about what you have learnt today? Take a look at the photos below of the some of the cycles we were able to work out. I particularly loved solving our riddles. Sometimes I only needed to read the first line and the children could tell me straight away which sea creature I was talking about.

Just a quick note – I forgot to add to my reminders about number day on Friday. Please come to school wearing anything number related, the more creative the better! If you have a football top with a number on that would be perfect! Alternatively you could write numbers over an old t-shirt. I’m excited to see what you can come up with. Also please record how many minutes you are reading with your child at home, the old reading records had a tracker on the back. I’ve been having to track a million minutes on a spreadsheet, but it is still happening so record your minutes! Every minute counts and it makes a huge difference!



Some important reminders!

P.E tomorrow! Please bring appropriate kit.

Spellings have gone home today. Please practise these, use ‘look, cover, say, check’! We will be testing spellings on Friday. I have chosen the words I’ve noticed as a class we are frequently spelling incorrectly.

Digital leaders – This is an exciting opportunity for one member in each year 2 class. We are looking for our very own students to coach the year 2 teachers on how to use everything technical. They will have the amazing opportunity to be trained up on things such as ipads and Apple Macs and then be given time to train me up! But there is a catch, you will need to apply! This can be done any way you like! You might want to write why you would make a good digital leader, or even film a short video. Please send applications to me by Thursday. Only children who consistently achieve 3’s and 4’s in their HOWLs will be considered. It’s not up to me to choose though, so make them really good! Keep your eye out for all the posters in the windows to read more.


Digital leaders

Students in Year 2, 3, 4 and 5 have an amazing opportunity to become a Digital Leader within their class.

This is a fantastic opportunity for children to develop their own individual skills when it comes to the latest technology. Children who are successful will get the opportunity to visit XP East and potentially the Apple Store to have further training on how to use technology including iPads, MacBooks and some of the other great products that are used throughout school. Our Digital Leaders will then become the experts who can then pass on their knowledge to others.

Below is a link to the Digital Leaders website where you can find out further information.


Applications will need to be sent to Miss Lotysz by Thursday 3rd February explaining why you would make a fantastic Digital Leader. This can be done in a format of your choice including a letter, slides or even a video showcasing your IT skills.

We look forward to receiving your applications!

Digital Leaders

Following on from this morning’s assembly, here is the Digital Leaders website to gather information to help you apply for the role.


Don’t forget, all applications need to be handed in by Thursday 3rd February and I will be looking for 2 children out of each class in Years 2-5. Make your applications as appealing and as creative as possible.

Miss Lotysz


Wonderful Home Learning!

When I walked into my classroom this morning I was blown away by Lena’s home learning! I can’t believe how hard you are all working outside of school. Thank-you to Gabriel who also made fish out of bottle tops and a jellyfish! I have stuck him on our case study 1 board. I was super proud last week with how many of you completed the tests we sent out as homework. Some of you went home and completed it that very night! This will help you to become more confident answering “test style” questions for your SATs at the end of the year. There will be 10 crew coins to everyone who completes the homework!

Keep up the good work 2B.


Food chains and sharing in maths!

Lot’s of important lessons learnt today in 2B! This morning we looked at food chains and identified the producer, consumer and predator. We learnt lots of new scientific vocabulary which we can use for our final write. Then, this afternoon we looked at using part whole models to work out division problems, making sure we were sharing out the whole equally between the groups.

See you all tomorrow for a fantastic Friday!
