Friday – Reading sentences

Bearhunt sentence reading

Today we will be using our phonics to read sentences. Look out for those tricky words! When you have read the sentence draw or stick the matching picture next to it.
If you are working on phase 2 graphemes and tricky words, choose the gold standard sentences.
If you are working on phase 3 graphemes and tricky words, choose the green standard sentences.
You can print the sheets or ask a grown-up to write the sentences and draw your own pictures to go with them.

Applying knowledge of doubling and halving

Applying understanding of doubling and halving
This lesson is a revision lesson. If you are watching with your child you can pause the lesson and talk through sections together. You can always go back and watch the lesson for that bit of learning again.
Start by practising what 1 more/1 greater than a number is? What is l fewer/1 less than the number?
Practise counting in 2s. Can you do that with number cards? What number goes next? Ask your adult to hide a number? Which one is missing?
We will recap lots of other maths today.
If you get chance, roll the dice and see if you can create a double.
Let us know what you have practised today.

Video of the lesson

Mrs Price


Week 2 Phonics overview

Here is an overview of next week’s phonics. Week 8 or, ur, ow.docxThroughout this week we will be recapping phase 3 digraphs or, ur, ow and tricky words.
This is an overview of the week with links to resources that you will need to print or get ready. All resources can be used on screen or written on paper if you cannot print. More detail will be blogged and posted on Evidence Me every day.

Remember for further practise:
Visit this site to recap any graphemes you need further practice on:
Visit to play phonics games. To login for free – user jan21 and password home

Superstar mathematician

Well done to Mason today for his amazing maths. He has been working on green standard but challenged himself further with his learning. He then explained his learning to other children.

Well done Mason

Mrs Price


Thursday’s Phonics – ar

Thursday 25th Feb
1. Recap those tricky words and graphemes.
challenge yourself here or use your flashcards
2. Sing an alphabet song.
3, Recap digraph oo
4. Today we will learning to read and write ar words. Show the grapheme and practice writing it.
5. You’ll need a pencil and paper.
Watch the video:
6. PlayPicnic on pluto on phonics play. Choose phase 3 and the +ee grapheme first but you could practise other graphemes too.

Thursday – bear sentences

Bearhunt bear sentences.docx

Pretend you are the bear. Can you tell me about yourself? Use the adjectives you thought of yesterday to write some descriptive sentences about the bear. Remember what a good sentence needs. Use your phonics to spell, remember fingerspaces between words, write on the lines. Can you read your sentence back?Have you used a capital letter and fullstop?

Understanding the concept of doubling and halving

Understanding the concept of doubling and halving
Start by matching your fingers to the value on a number card. Can you double the amount? Can you halve the amount?
You will need a 10 frame, 2 sets of number cards to 5 and 1 set of number cards to 10, 10 small counting objects and a part whole model.

Use the 10 frame to work out what a double of the number would be. Transfer to a part whole model. Say the sentence “One part is ____ and one part is _____. The whole is _____.”

If you are green standard then make sure you can say the sentence and then see if you can calculate by drawing circles to represent the objects.

Video of the lesson

This is a part whole model. You could draw your own.

Mrs Price


Reading competition winners

Well done to all the children who took part in the reading challenge. The winners have been chosen. There are 2 winners – 1 for F1 and 1 for F2.


The winners will receive Dunkin Donuts.

The winners are Aarav and Paisley. I am not surprised that you are the winners as you two read more than anyone else. Well done. The prize will be coming to you at the end of the week.

Mrs Price


Amazing adjectives

We have been practicing using adjectives today in our writing. Look at this amazing list from Myla. I praise how Myla has sounded out her words and written the adjectives to describe the bear.

Well done Myla

Mrs Price


Wednesday’s Phonics – oo

Wednesday 23rd Feb
1. Recap those tricky words and graphemes. challenge yourself here or use your flashcards
2. Quickwrite capital letters in response to lowercase letters.
3, Recap digraph oo
4. Today we will learning to read and write oo words. Show the grapheme and practice writing it.
5. You’ll need a pencil and paper.
Watch the video:
Choose:Join me in the pool. Can you change the sentence?