This weekā€™s superstars

Thank you for awesome writing and number work this week. Edy has persevered and Emma helped with number. Matthew and Mason tried really hard to write independently.

Well done everyone

Mrs Price


Tell me a story about a dragon

We have been using story sacks today to make up stories. We have enjoyed being storytellers. There was lots of imagination and the dragon ate lots of things!

Mrs Price


Amazing attitude to learning

What a week! There has been so much progress in all areas of learning. We had our postcard winners together today to celebrate their achievements.

A particular shout goes to Edy who has demonstrated kindness in different ways this week, checking in on others to make sure they were ok, helping friends with their learning and playing with children who didnā€™t have anyone to play with. Edy is a fantastic crew member. Thank you Edy and well done.

Mrs Price


F2P Pride of Plover

Congratulations to Sofia. Sofia has had an amazing week. She has shown how independent she has become and has practiced her learning lots of times. She has been very proud of her achievements this week and we are all proud of her.

Well done Sofia.

Mrs Price


We are artists

Ms Foster came to talk to the children today about being an artist. She showed us how to draw dragons and she said they are her favourite thing to draw.

Some of the children chose to colour their dragon. Ms Foster showed the children how to colour and keep in the lines.

These are some of our pictures.

There were some fantastic pictures. Well done F2 artists. Thank you Ms Foster for helping us learn how to draw dragons.

Mrs Price


Snails like cucumber

We fed the snails this morning with lettuce and cucumber. They went straight to the cucumber.

We talked about why they might like cucumber. Jacob said ā€œIt is hard on the outside and juicy on the inside.ā€ Emma said ā€œ I think they like it because it is nice and cold and juicy. That is why I like it.ā€

We are watching to see if they eat it all up and we are telling everyone who comes to visit us about what is happening.

Mrs Price


Snail update

We have learnt about what snails eat and how they move. We think that they had a long sleep because it took them a long time to move.

We have fed them lettuce and cabbage today. We will check if they have eaten their food in the morning.

Mrs Price


Doncaster Reading Miles Challenge

This next half term EYFS are going to take part in the Doncaster Reading Challenge. Each day your child reads to an adult at home in F2 or has a story read to them at home in F1 they can have a circle initialled by their grown up. When they reach one of the Doncaster destinations they can colour the picture at the bottom. Once the challenge is completed a certificate will be awarded. You can start this challenge straight away. We will be sending home the map for your child to complete.

Happy reading everyone!

Mrs Price


Our new pets

We were very excited to receive our new pets this morning, We are looking after them for a week. They are snails called Bubble and Squeak. We will tell you what we have been doing to look after them and what they have been doing.

Mrs Price
