Learning to sign

Thank you to Mrs Creswell for coming to talk to us about how we can help our friends who find it difficult to hear. We practiced some signing, learnt some new words and we have been challenged to sign Baa baa black sheep. I am sure that we can learn it.

Mrs Price


We like blueberries!

The chosen fruits out of our special fruit box today were blueberries. We enjoyed them.

It has been lovely to see children choosing fruit for pudding at dinner times. Watermelon has been very popular.

Mrs Price


Exploring fruit

We have been exploring fruit in our play. We looked at oranges and lemons and what they smelled and looked like. We then used them to make pretend tea. We also tried to guess what was hidden in the blocks of ice. We watched the ice melt to find out if we were right.

Mrs Price


Working hard

Well done to our two certificate winners today. Charlie has worked very hard in drawing his dragon and was delighted to get a postcard. Oscar listened really well in the language activity and used all the new words that he had learnt. Well done boys. We are proud of you.
Mrs Price


What does pomegranate taste like?

Thank you to Mrs Kibble for supplying us with some different fruit. We tried pomegranate for the first time today. The children were fascinated by the seeds and how crunchy they were. Some of the children loved them and would like to eat them again at home.

We will try another fruit tomorrow. I wonder which one it will be.

Mrs Price


Learning to use a knife and fork in crew

One of the things we have been finding difficult was using a knife and fork at dinner time so we practiced in crew.

We really enjoyed the pancake!

There was some good cutting skills shown today and some lovely manners too.

We will check at dinner time next week to see if we have remembered.

Mrs Price


What sound does a guitar make?

Ravija is having guitar lessons in school and the other children were interested in what a guitar was and the sounds it makes. Today we looked at the guitar, listened to it and sang some songs.

We enjoyed the music and are looking forward to singing again.

Mrs Price
