Another fantastic first day

It was the second group of children in F2 who were in school today. Here are some photos of our learning today.

A shout out to Mia today. She worked very hard in all her learning. She made cards for people, listened very carefully on the carpet and was very kind.

Also to Kobin who checked that the ipads were all returned safely.

Well done everyone.

Mrs Price


A good friend

Harper has shown excellent learning behaviours today. She has worked hard, got smart and been very kind.

She helped a child who was struggling with their behaviour to help them settle and walk in the line. She returned to morning learning in the afternoon to improve what she was making.

You have been a superstar Harper and we are proud of you. Well done.

Mrs Price



Can I politely remind all parents to check their children’s hair for headlice and to ensure that long hair is tied up for school. Thankyou, Miss Wood.

Lots of learning

The children have explored their new provision today. They have shared and taken turns inside and outside. They have been a pleasure to teach.

I am looking forward to learning in our provision areas tomorrow. The children were also very good at tidying away.

Mrs Price


Ready for school

It is nearly time to be back in school. The classrooms are ready and the shared areas. Mr Taylor is cleaning the outside area today ready for next week.

We are looking forward to seeing you on your first day.

Here is a little video of what you need to do on the first morning.

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you soon.

Mrs Price


End of year picnic

We went out onto the field for a short time for a picnic. We then went in the shade and had a nice time playing.

Thank you for a lovely year F2. We wish you every success next year.

Mrs Price and Mrs Shuka


Party fun

We used the rest of our attendance class cash for a party. We had cake, played games and had a piñata. We had lots of fun.

Mrs Price


Ice-cream treat

We used some of our attendance award on ice-cream and we made ice-cream sundaes. They were delicious. Thank you to the ice-cream man for visiting today.

Mrs Price
