F2 Pride of Plover

We have 2 fantastic yellow t-shirt winners this week.

Brendan has settled really well into Plover. He has been very kind, sharing and making lots of new friends. Well done Brendan.

Charlie has been working hard all week to get a 4 in his HOWLs. The rest of the class have been really proud of his attitude to learning this week. Well done Charlie.

Mrs Price


How big is a Komodo Dragon?

F2S have enjoyed finding out facts about Komodo Dragons. Did you know they have 60 teeth and can grow up to 3 meters long? We’ve enjoyed finding out just how big 3 meters is!

Pyjamarama Day

On Friday 14th May, we will be celebrating Pyjamarama Day in school. Children are invited to come to school in their pyjamas for a suggested donation of Ā£1. The aim of the day is to raise awareness of the importance of a bedtime story for all children. Donations will go to the National Book Trust, who use the money to help all children have a story in their homes to read. Children will be participating in some fun activities in school on this day, all linked to reading for pleasure.

F2 Pride of Plover winners

Congratulations to our 2 superstars today.
Aarav has been chosen because he has tried so hard in his learning, persevering in his daily routines.

Jacob has been chosen for his enthusiasm in learning and for asking lots of questions. He really enjoys sharing his learning with his friends.

Well done boys. We are very proud of you.

Mrs Price


What is it?

At dinner time last week the children wondered what one of the choices for pudding was. Our cook came to talk to us today about what it was.

It was a delicious watermelon and we really enjoyed tasting it.

We followed up our tasting by drawing and painting pictures of the watermelon.

Well done F2 artists.

Mrs Price


Dragons and Eggs

The children have had a great first day back, playing and exploring in our new provision areas. We’ve had fun discovering what’s hidden inside eggs, making dragon masks and dressing up in role-play.