Year 6 hook week

Year 6 had a fabulous time in the Wonder Dome this morning. They were amazed by all of the planets and how much they discovered. Following on from this, we had a go at sewing stars to help immerse our classroom.

Marvellous maths!

6B have been working so hard in maths this morning. They were reading and writing numbers up to 10,000,000. I am so proud of their attitudes to learning!

-Miss Blackham


Y6 Time to read Tuesday

This afternoon, we spent time outside with our crew, sharing a book together.

Science Fair: Night and day

Today, all the children in years 5 and 6 visited my room where we had a discussion about how the Earth’s rotation causes night and day. I demonstrated by using a torch (the sun) and rotating a globe (the Earth), then we held a further discussion about how all our measurements of time are affected by astronomical bodies and their orbits.

We look forward to demonstrating this to you in future!

Cracking the code to our guiding question

Years 5 and 6 had a great time today, solving a series of clues to unravel the guiding question for our autumn expedition.

They worked together to solve a series of puzzles and brain-teasers to unscramble the word ‘infinity’ – part of our expedition title and guiding question: ‘To and infinity and beyond: how does movement affect our world?’

Great teamwork, treasure seekers!

Crew week

Year 4 have had a lovely morning learning about Plover Pantry and Fareshare. We have also taken part in some crew team building activities building spaghetti and marshmallow towers.