We Are Storytellers

A big shoutout to Jack and Sophia who have both beautifully re told the whole story of The Little Red Hen today, using the pictures, their own words and known repetitive phrases. This shows me you have done fantastic listening this week and taken your learning on board.

Miss Wood


Getting Active

We are loving getting active in F1! We have been working our gross and fine motor skills through puddle jumping, play dough disco, wake up shake up dances and soft play.

Miss Wood


The Little Red Hen

This week we have been looking at the story of The Little Red Hen. So far we have enjoyed reading the story and discussing the key vocabulary, we have sequenced the story and said sentences about what the characters were doing in the story. We have also been pretending to bake bread in the play dough area, following the recipe.

A special shoutout to Paizlee and Nusang who have done an amazing job at retelling the story using the correct vocabulary.

Miss Wood


Family Learning

Thank you to all the families that joined us for our Harvest Festival on Monday afternoon and donated food. The children sang songs and loved teaching their grown ups these songs too. We also shared some of our beautiful artwork.

Miss Wood



This morning we have been practising songs ready for our Harvest Festival this afternoon. Sylas did some beautiful singing and signing, I am so pleased with you keep it up or this afternoon

Miss Wood


Name Writing

Some of our F1 children have had a really good go at copying their name today in our handwriting lines. We worked on holding our pencil correctly to help us form letters more easily.

Miss Wood


1:1 Counting

Today in maths we have been practising accurate 1:1 counting to 5. I was blown away by how many mini mathematics we have in F1 there was some super counting going on!

Miss Wood


Pride Of Plover

Well done to Abbie and Nusang who both got our yellow T-shirt today for trying really hard to improve their independence with their toilet training. I am so proud of how far you have both come since starting school.

Miss Wood


Settling In

I am so pleased with you today Jacoby! You have settled into nursery so well, you chose where you wanted to learn, did some maths and had a smile on your face. Keep it up.

Miss Wood
