Proud Postcards

Angelica is 1Ms superstar trophy winner this week for showing compassion and kindness to everyone in her new class.

Neveah has worked so hard being a scientist and wrote about the properties of our materials from our experiment, her behaviour was also exemplary.

Both girls enjoyed making and baking some sweet treats this afternoon with Mrs Enderby and Mrs Jobber too šŸ™‚

Addition in maths

Using part part whole children learnt ways to add and write number sentences with + =

Well done to Chase, Weronika and Antonina who used counters to work it out! #LovePlover

Ambitious Avaarni

This little girl continues to amaze us in 1M! Avaarni always tries her best but then always wants to challenge herself and do more, which she did today in maths. You superstar!

We are Scientist’s

1M have been exploring different materials and their properties. They have then used this knowledge to build different houses/castles which links to our 3 little pigs key text and we will test them tomorrow. Their do now was to fix and write the sentence on whiteboards. #LovePlover

Autumn Handwriting Competition

Choose a poem that is appropriate to your age.

Copy out the poem with beautiful handwriting and presentation.

Give your poem to Mrs Graves by the end of Tuesday 11th October.

I can’t wait to see your wonderful work!

Mrs Graves


Peer Critique in Expedition

We started our Case Study 2 learning in expedition today. We are scientists and we completed our entry ticket, KWL then explored different materials. Finally the children shared praises and notices about their findings. #LovePlover