D&T Expert Visitor

Thank you to Chris Mitchell a former Design & Technology teacher and secondary school Head teacher. He came to speak and teach all children in KS1 about being an expert in D&T. The children loved listening, learning and engineering their own catapults due to Chris’ knowledge and help! The children then enjoyed testing out their catapults! #LovePlover

Christmas Cheer

After working hard last week in all their assessments. Year 1 enjoyed watching Y2 and rehearsing their singing during the KS1 nativity.

Avaarni shared her wonderful reading Christmas calendar!


Reading Rewards

Well done to Harper, Kodie-Lee, Sulieman, Angelica, Nevaeh, Angel, Alec, Raegan, Vlad and Mason who have been reading at home this week! #LovePlover

Bauble making in 1M

During one of our learning labs last week we were mini engineers and got crafty to make personalised Christmas baubles. They will look lovely on their trees at home! #LovePlover

KS1 Nativity Tickets

We are pleased to announce the release of the KS1 nativity tickets. 

Due to capacity restrictions, tickets will be limited to two tickets per child. Parents and guardians will be able to choose either the morning or afternoon performance, on Tuesday 13th December, on a first-come, first-served basis. 

Seating at the performances will be strictly limited to approximately 100, so it may not be possible to accommodate performance choices.

Parents and guardians will be able to collect their tickets from the KS1 playground on Tuesday 6th December and Thursday 8th December. Tickets will be available on the playground before and after school each day.

Kind Regards

KS1 Team

Christmas film night for all! Monday 12th December -4:30pm

All children invited to stay after school on Monday 12th December for our Christmas film night. Tickets are £1.50 and include entry, a hotdog, juice and an ice cream! Film night tickets can be paid for via parent pay! We hope to see you there!

-Miss Blackham


Christmas Magic

Year one came into school this morning and saw that our magic Elf, Eddy the Elf had decorated the classrooms and left so Christmas goods for boys and girls who work hard, get smart and be kind! #LovePlover