Aspirations Week

As part of Aspirations week children enjoyed meeting a nurse, having their Big Talk session about privacy and learning about the value of money! #LovePlover

Praise for Jayce and Mason

I am super proud of these boys this week, both have been working hard on their writing, getting smart learning about aspiration week and being kinder to people! Keep up the good work boys šŸ™‚ #LovePlover

Super Spring Writing

Thank you to all the children that entered in to the Spring handwriting competition, we have had some beautiful poems handed in, that show so much care and effort.

Congratulations to the winners and enjoy reading your books:

Shayen; Shyaw; Methmi; Susaya; Kiara; Sulieman

ing Our display of beautiful spring poems

Mrs Graves


Points for Baking

Don’t forget you can claim a stamp code for home learning. If you’ve made or decorated cakes for the year 6 bake sale tomorrow, make sure you claim your hours!

Mrs Shuka


Year 1 Festival of Sport Reminder

Children travelling with parents: Vlad, Mason, Paisley, IIanis, Ibrahim, Kobin, Sergei, Rachel, Antonina, Nevaeh 

Parent drivers come to the school office for 12.15pm please.

Children travelling with teachers (parents to provide car booster seat): Raegan, Kodie-Lee, Alec, Riley C, Sulieman

These Year one children are taking part in a Festival of Sport event at the Eco Power next to XP on Thursday 23rd March 12.30pm-3pm children will arrive back at school at 3.20pm.

Can all children bring their PE KIT (white t-shirt, black shorts, dark tracksuit top and bottoms, water bottle and a waterproof coat please – they will get changed before we set off 🙂

Thanks Mr Meade