Welcome Back!

Good morning Key Stage 1.

We hope you have had a great Christmas and New Year.

This wasn’t how we had planned for you to return to school this morning but we will still be able to do fabulous learning online instead! There will be self-guided learning and live lessons available from the Google Classrooms, which everyone will be expected to attend. If you have any problems accessing your classroom, school will initially contact you to try and offer some support. If you still have problems, please contact school and we will try and help where we can.

The distance learning timetable is attached below:

Year 1 and 2 distance learning timetable

Lessons will happen from your own classes Google classroom, which can be accessed through the school website or from the links below:


Remember that you must be logged in with your school email address to access the classrooms. At 9am everyday we will be doing a live feelings check-in and the links for this (and all the live lessons) are below:


Please check out the classrooms every day for your new learning – especially as we try and hook into our new expedition!

We look forward to seeing you all shortly!

Key Stage 1 Crew
