We have a busy week in 1/2T this week!
Tomorrow we have PE. Please note this is a change from PE in the Autumn Term, so children need to have their PE kits in school on a Monday morning.
On Tuesday we will launch ‘book and a biscuit’ – please see the letter sent home on Thursday for further details. Entrance will be through the back gate at 2.30. Gates will be locked at 2.35 for safety reasons.
On Wednesday we have our family learning session (2-3). Entrance will be via the main reception.
If you have not done so already, your child’s ICT agreement letter needs signing ASAP to allow them to access our new Chromebooks! Please also remember to send back your parents’ evening letter ASAP as we will be sending home appointment times on Tuesday evening.
Please ask if there is anything else you need! I look forward to seeing you all in the morning!