Talk about PANTS crew session

Dear Parent / Carer

On Thursday, KS1 will be discussing the NSPCC’s Talk Pants rules in our Crew session. During these discussions, we will aim to teach our children the following important safety skills without giving explicit information or telling scary stories. These are the PANTS rules:

P: Privates are private

A: Always remember your body belongs to you.

N: No means NO!

T: Talk about secrets that upset you.

S: Speak up, someone can help you.

The Crew session empowers children, in an age-appropriate way, to recognise their rights to their own bodies, say not to touch that is unwanted, and tell someone if they feel uncomfortable. The lessons include activities, which help children understand:

  • Appropriate and inappropriate touching
  • Their right to say no to things that make them feel upset or uncomfortable
  • The names for parts of the body
  • Who to turn to if they feel upset or worried.

If you would like to know more about the NSPCC’s campaign more information can be found at:

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Kind regards

KS1 Team.