Let’s have fun and investigate

Did you have a nice Easter? Did you have any Easter eggs? This week we are going to focus on investigating and finding out. Instead of sending you an activity per day, these are some examples for you to try during the week.

Investigating floating and sinking


Can you  explore floating and sinking? Which materials do you think will float and why? Which materials do you think will sink and why? Test them out. Were you right? Can you make new predictions?

When you have explored floating and sinking, can you make a flotation device for a toy figure/doll?

Investigating how far you can stretch dough

You might have some dough at home to investigate with. If not, you can make stretchy dough using flour and water. Knead it well. The more you work it the stretchier it becomes.

How far can you stretch the dough? Does it matter if the piece of dough is big/small, long/short, fat,thin? What happens when the dough becomes really warm and stretchy?

Investigating how big and strong you can make a bridge

This is one of my favourite investigations as you can make the bridge in lots of different ways and using lots of different materials such as junk modelling, construction, resources in your home such as chairs, books, boxes. When you have made your bridge one way, investigate different ways.

How big can you make the bridge? Use words long, longer, short, shorter, tall, taller.

How strong can you make your bridge? Is it strong enough for a car to go on it? Will it hold a teddy bear?

How far can a paper aeroplane fly?

Can you make a paper aeroplane? Use different kinds of paper. Which paper is the best to make an aeroplane from? Which one will fly the furthest? Can you measure the distance? If you don’t have a tape measure, count the steps it takes. Does it matter which way you fold the paper or where you fly it from?


Investigating ice

What can you find about ice? Explore ways of using ice. Can you use ice to draw with -perhaps outside on the floor? Make ice cubes of different sizes if they fit in your freezer. Add different colours to make different coloured ice crayons.

Place ice on a tray and add sprinkles of salt to the ice. Watch what happens?

Add some paint or food colouring onto the ice? Do the colours stay the same or change? Why do you think that is?

Place ice cubes on different plates and put in different places in your house. Do they all melt at the same time? Time how long it takes for them to melt.