Reading words

Kaiden-John got a postcard this morning for fantastic progress in phonics. He read the graphemes and words on his own. A superstar!

Mrs Price

What we thought about Austerfield

This morning the children shared what they thought about the Austerfield, their feelings and what we learnt. We then created a map of our day.

Some children recreated the day in provision drawing what we did.

Mrs Price


Amazing day at Austerfield

We had a wonderful day at Austerfield. Thank you to all the grown ups and Austerfield staff for making it such a special day.

We went on a bear hunt, found Goldilocks, made pretend porridge and made bears in the woods.

Mrs Price


I can make a pattern.

We spent lots of time extending patterns and creating patterns.

Well done to Lola and Emorie for creating their own pattern pictures in provision.

Mrs Price


We are scientists

Today we explored porridge. We used our senses to explore the dry porridge and described it. Then we tasted the porridge. Porridge with milk and sugar was the most popular although several children enjoyed it with milk and salt. Several children asked if they could have some more! Have a look at our photos. Do you think we liked it or not?

Mrs Price
