Collaboration in Expedition

Congratulations to Ralph for working hard with his phonics and reading.

Children have been exploring different groups of animals in expedition and sorting them by their characteristics! #LovePlover

Busy day and busy weekend for some!

1M have had an absolutely fantastic day on the whole, full of learning and celebration!

Shout out to Bobby and Atlas for continuing their expedition learning at home over the weekend. They have created sea creatures with recyclable materials! This will immerse our classroom even more.

Congratulations to Demi who won our 1M superstar of the week trophy – for being creative and her outstanding drawings!

Year 1 enjoyed learning the basics of hockey in PE and we put an under the sea theme on our games.

In maths children learnt about the time on a analogue clock – half past and o’clock.


Y1 PE Kit & Book Bags reminder

Good evening Year 1

Mr Meade and Miss Newton hope you have all had a lovely weekend.

Just a couple reminders we would like you all to get into a good habit of:

1. PE is Monday and Friday – bring PE kit bag on Monday and take it home on a Friday! PE kit = white t-shirt, dark jumper/hoody, dark shorts, dark joggers, different pair of trainers, NO earrings!

2. Bring plastic book bag everyday, to keep record of reading minutes and to put letters in – books to be changed Monday and Thursday!

Thank you Year 1 šŸ™‚


PE Kit | Gascoigne ClothingPE Kit reminder for Year 1 | Plover SchoolPlastic School Book Bags - Pack of 25

Self-Critque = Astonishing Artwork ✏🖼🐟🐡🐠

I am simply blown away! The quality of these drawings 1M have independently produced, simply from self and peer critique is superb! Check the progress from the three drafts to their fourth and final fish – the children have thoroughly followed ‘Austin’s Butterfly method on critique!’

Great work 1M 10 Crew coins each.

Mr Meade


Austin’s Butterfly – critique

1M have been developing their critique skills and making improvements to their artwork! Draft 1 by scratch, draft 2 after having a visual aid, draft 3 after self-critique … the progress is awesome! #LovePlover

Superstar Hasty

Mrs Ogle was very impressed with the creativity, skills and explanation of how and why Hasty has made this clownfish! #LovePlover

Welcome Rufus

Congratulations and a big welcome to Rufus who joined 1M on Tuesday and has been a tremendous addition! Working hard, getting smart and being kind.

Check out 1M yesterdays working collaboratively to ask questions, where they then learnt how to write a question.


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Crew Meade – Dreams, Goals, Aspirations

Crew Meade showing how to do the protocol popcorn, by sharing and discussing what achievements and success they think the children on the photos might have accomplished!

Our new We Care Wednesday focus is all about Dreams, Goals and Aspirations. The children did a whip around and shared their proudest achievements.

In the debrief the children created their own success folder which is displayed on our Crew wall where they can keep accomplishments they have achieved during their learning and HOWLs. #LovePlover

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