KS1 Thank you

A huge thank you to all KS1 parents (old & new) for your fantastic support and cooperation during your childā€™s first week back at school. Also, an extra appreciation to those parents who supported on our Sandall Beat Wood trip last Friday – we hope youā€™ve had a nice relaxing weekend!

As a crew we will try to get information out to you as soon as possible.
A few reminders for our parents :
✅ can we make sure long hair is tied up for school

✅ wash and check hair regularly for head lice

✅ put names in coats, jumpers, water bottles and pe kits (we will put left over clothes on the outside tables the following day which have no names in for parents to collect, to save a pile of jumpers being collated during the year)

✅ Earrings to be removed on the days of PE

See you all tomorrow KS1 where we will be starting our Expedition Hook Week… watch this space for the activities we have in store this week!

Thanks KS1 Crew



Hi Plover Parents,

It has been fantastic to see so many children and staff back in school today for our first day back! šŸ™‚

This Thursday 2nd September is KS1 and KS2 Sports day – a celebration for all the community to enjoy, heading into (hopefully) a smoother year!

Parents are INVITED and can access the school field from 9.15am. Chairs/benches will be out on the concrete for parents to sit and watch the track events.

There will be an ice-cream van on the playground for children to purchase an ice cream (with parents supervision) after their running races.

The sports day will look and run slightly different from previous sports days, however we just want it to be a positive and fun start to the year for all children to take part in! It will consist of track races, field events and fun activities.


  • KS1 fun events
  • LKS2 track/running events
  • UKS2 field events


  • LKS2 fun events.
  • UKS2 track/running evenKS1 field events


  • UKS2 fun events.
  • KS1 track/running events
  • LKS2 field e

We ask for children to come in their PE kits and to wear an item of clothing which represents their CREW colour ed, yellow, blue). This may be difficult as your child may have changed crews and may not know their colour, so don’t worry their full PE kit is absolutely fine.

Any questions, please ask your class teacher or email Mr Meade on [email protected]

We look forward to seeing you all support your superstars!


1/2C You have been amazing!

I just wanted to say a huge thank you to my class, during the year we have faced lots of challenges. I am so proud of the resilience you have all shown especially during the periods of remote learning.

It has been fabulous seeing your smiling faces everyday, you have all worked hard, got smart and been kind this year. I have seen you all grow in confidence and canā€™t wait to see this continue next year.

Parents, what I can say, you have been so supportive this year. It has been a real pleasure getting to know you all. Although remote learning was tricky for you all, you were awesome, joining in the learning, I loved seeing you all, the rest of your family … and your pets! 😊. I also wanted to say thank you for the emails, cards and presents I have received. You have been far too generous.

I hope you all have a fabulous Summer, keep safe everyone, looking forward to see you all on 31 August.

Mrs Coward


A few things to look forward to…

We’re all really excited about our first expedition in the Autumn term and are already busy planning lots of exciting learning for you.

Here’s your first clue: On the 13th of September (yr4) and 15th September (yr3), we will be travelling back in time and visiting this ancient village in York:

Look out for a letter before the holidays with more information and payment details. We will also be asking for a couple of volunteers to join us.

If you haven’t guessed how we will be launching our expedition, this next clue will give it away… At the end of the first week, we will be having a Viking dress-up day. There’s no need to spend a fortune. We will be sending out some ideas for DIY costumes before the holidays.

Enjoy your holidays and we’ll see you all soon!

Back to School Tomorrow

Happy Dance GIFs | Tenor

I’m looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow, face to face!

As I keep mentioning you have all been fab changing so quickly to working on line again.

Look at some of today’s awesome learning.

Ellis has grappled with the signing challenge and then he took part with his sister in Mr Meade’s Ghostbuster themed activity.
Mia told us even more about herself.
Isabelle also told us about herself but using a T shirt Template

Paul introduced himself to his new teacher using a video.

Great work everyone
