Using a 10 frame

Wednesday’s lesson
In this lesson, we are going to explore place value using objects. You will use a ten frame to place objects and to help count them. Although children will also explore the use of number cards, this is additional to the objective and the main focus of the learning should be on practising counting and placing objects accurately.
You will need 2 10 frames, 20 counting objects (10 objects the same and 10 other objects the same), number cards.

Start by practicing counting. Can you do 7 jumps? Can you do 15 claps? What else can you count?

Video lesson
Now can you practice counting on from a number. Start from 10 and count to 17.
You could put 10 objects together and then count on 7 more. 1 lot of 10 and 7 is equal to 17.

We will focus on using the 10 frame. 10 frame (this is a resource that can be printed)
Can you create the following on your 10 frame?
1 lot of 10 and 7 is equal to
1 lot of 10 and 5 is equal to
1 lot of 10 and 4 is equal to
If you are green standard, extend your learning by adding 2 more or taking 2 away.

Take photos of your learning and send them on Evidence Me.

Mrs Price



Tuesday – ch

Tuesday 2nd Feb
1. Recap those tricky words and graphemes.
2. Sing an alphabet song.
3. Today we will learning to read and write ch words. You’ll need a pencil and paper.
Watch the video:

4. Share the ch phoneme spotter story t-l-53332-ch-phoneme-spotter-story_ver_1. Highlight the ch words. Can you help to read these words?
Draw a picture of chuck and write a sentence about him and share it on Evidence Me.

Tasting porridge

Today we are going to be scientists and are going to describe the porridge.
Start by ordering bowls and spoons. Which one is the biggest and which one is the smallest? In the story what went in the bowl?
Porridge activity
Describe the dry oats. Taste porridge with different toppings – salt, sweet, with water and plain. Which is their favourite and why? Describe the taste and the texture.
Write down which ones you liked or disliked. Which one was your favourite?
Fill in the sheet. If you haven’t got a printer then you could draw out the table on some paper.

Tasting porridge sheet

We are looking forward to seeing which is your favourite.

Share your photos and learning with us.

Mrs Price


Ordering numbers to 20

Tuesday’s maths
You will need counting objects, number cards to 20 and your number line.
In this lesson you will use number cards. Put them in order to create your own number line. Can you recognise all the numbers to 20? Can you order them correctly?
Compare to your number line. Are the numbers the same?
Use greater/more, less/fewer.
If you are gold standard match amounts to the numbers and practice counting the objects. You should notice that the lines of objects get longer.
If you are green standard, create your number line and then solve the following.

Which is the bigger number? Is it 2 greater than 14 or 1 less than 15?
How many greater is 14 than 10?

Watch the video.

Video lesson

Send us photos of the number lines that you have made.

Mrs Price



Super readers

Well done to George and Ravija who have both moved up reading shelves today. They have worked really hard to recognise the graphemes and read them in words.

We are very proud of you.

Our postcard went to Craig today for joining in Mrs Coward’s phonics. She was very impressed with how he joined in.Well done Craig.

Mrs Price


Monday – qu

Monday 1st Feb
1. Recap those tricky words and graphemes.
2. Quick write lower case letter in response to letter name. Say a letter name and children quickly write the lowercase grapheme.
3. Today we will learning to read and write qu words. You’ll need a pencil and paper.
Watch the video:

4. Read the minibook(wk2) – The Quiz (in linked files). Write a sentence about what dad did and share it on Evidence Me.The Quiz Reading Mini Book

Making and describing characters

Today we will be learning about the characters in the story of Goldilocks and the three bears. Can you remember who the characters are? Draw your characters then think of words to describe them and label your pictures. Use your imagination to create your characters. You could draw them, paint them, make models or puppets. I can’t wait to see what you have created so share your pictures on Evidence Me.

Maths meetings

Week 5 maths meetings
This is what we will be practicing in our maths meetings this week. We do a mths meeting everyday to help us remember and practice key skills in maths.

Days of the week, months, date,o’clock
Number recognition and show me
Count forwards and backwards to 20 and extend to 50
1 greater and 1 less
Add and subtract on 10 frame
Shape, position, size
Count in 2’s 5’s 10’s
Coin recognition to 50p
You could practice these at home by playing games.

Mrs Price


Week 5 Phonics – qu, ch, sh, th, ng

Copy of week5 qu ch sh th ng

Week 5
Here’s an overview for this week’s phonics sessions (see linked documents). This week we will be recapping digraphs: qu, ch, sh, th, and ng and reading and writing phase 2, 3 and 4 tricky words. You may use the flashcards you have made or use these links each day:
phase 2 graphemes

phase 2 tricky words

phase 3 graphemes

phase 3 tricky words

phase 4 tricky words

Alphabet songs



This video may be useful at the end of this week. Itreviews some of our most recent sounds.

Visit this site to recap any graphemes you need further practice on:

To login to phonicsplay for free, use jan21 and password: home
Visit for free reading books until half term.

Phonics should be taught daily at 11:00am. More detail with links will be added each day.


Practice your handwriting and learn how to form the one-armed robot letters b, h, k, m, n, p and r with this video.

Make sure you start at the top and then go down.
We will be practicing writing these letters in school everyday.

Mrs Price
