Today we are going to think about stranger danger.
Was Goldilocks safe -when she went into the woods, strangers house? What is a stranger?
Look at the safer stranger power point. Who is someone who would be safe?


Write a message to Goldilocks to tell her what she should have done. Send us your messages

Mrs Price


Who ate the sweets?

Friday’s lesson
In this lesson children will use a number grid and objects to find one less than a given number within 20.
You will need 20 counting objects and the grid that you used for the parking game. You could use sweets to count or food.
There were 20 sweets and 1 sweet went missing how many were left? If you are green standard say the equation. If you are gold say the taking away equation.
20 take away 1 is equal to 19. 1 less than 20 is 19. Carry on with the other objects. If you use food you could eat as you work out the answer!

You could practice with other things for a tea party.

Video lesson 

Share with us what you have found out about numbers today.

Mrs Price


We are writers.

Today we have been labelling and writing sentences for the story of Goldilocks.

The children did Think Pair Share to share their ideas of what we could write for the lables. They sounded out the words using the graphemes that they know.

Casey got our Pride of Plover postcard today for working really hard at sounding out the words, saying the sentence and then trying to write it. Well done Casey.

Mrs Price


Thursday – th

Thursday 4th Feb
1. Recap those tricky words and graphemes.
2. Today we will learning to read and write sh words. You’ll need a pencil and paper.
Watch the video:

3. Share the th phoneme spotter story t-l-53244-phase-3-th-phoneme-spotter-story_ver_4. Highlight the th words. Can you help to read these words?
Draw and label Beth and her family.
and share it on Evidence Me.

Goldilocks sentence writing

Thursday’s learning
Today we are going to think about sentences and what a sentence is. We are going to use a picture of Goldilocks from the story. Think about adjectives to describe the picture eg lumpy porridge, cross face.

This is a link to the picture and sheet for today’s learning.

Adding labels and sentences to Goldilocks picture
Using the picture say a sentence about it. Count out the words that you need to write. Then write your sentence. Don’t forget finger spaces, writing on the line, getting the letters the right way and putting a full stop at the end of the sentence. Sound out the words on your own and write the sounds you can hear.
Grown – ups – it doesn’t matter if the words aren’t spelled correctly. We want them to have a go at sounding out. You may need to repeat the word to help them hear the sounds. Please don’t correct them at this stage unless it is a tricky word – the, to, no, go, I.
Please share your writing back with us.
Thank you

Mrs Price


Park the car

Thursday’s maths
In this lesson, we are going to play a game called ‘Park the car.’ Reggie will park his car on a hidden number. He will give you a ‘one more than’ clue and you will have to calculate the number of his parking space.
Video lesson
Practice guessing which number has disappeared. Can you give clues to your talk partner?

For green standard learning, think about facts for the number that you think is missing. eg It is 1 greater than… It is l less than… It is between…
Does it have 1 lot of 10 or is it less than 10?

When you have finished the game, use your number cards and play guess the number. For gold standard practice recognising up to 10. For green standard make sure you are recognising numbers to 20.

Send photos to us of the game and what facts you have thought of for the missing number.

Mrs Price


Using a 10 frame

The children have been very excited to use 10 frames today. They realised that numbers between 10 and 19 could be made using 1 lot of 10 plus some more.

Here are some photos of how we used the 10 frames.

My shout out goes to Edy today for working very hard in reading and maths. Well done Edy.

Mrs Price


Wednesday – sh

Wednesday 3rd Feb
1. Recap those tricky words and graphemes.
2. Quickwrite capital letters in response to lowercase letters.
3. Today we will learning to read and write sh words. You’ll need a pencil and paper.
Watch the video:

4. Share the sh phoneme spotter story t-l-53333-sh-phoneme-spotter-story. Highlight the ch words. Can you help to read these words?
Can you draw a picture and write a sentence to show what Shep saw? and share it on Evidence Me.