Amazing maths

Well done to Marnie for amazing maths today. She recognised the shapes, talked about them and helped her friends to learn them.

Mrs Price


Developing physical skills

We have some new outdoor physical equipment and we practiced using it today. We explored the different ways we could use bats and balls and enjoyed making up games with the new parachute.

We had lots of fun!

Mrs Price


Superstar mathematician

Well done to Edy for persevering and achieving her maths target. She has worked really hard to achieve her minimum expectations and was so proud today. We are proud of you too Edy.

Mrs Price


Dragon pictures

We have been exploring shapes this week thinking about 2D and 3D shapes. We have made dragon pictures using shapes. We talked about the names and properties of the shapes and why we used them. These are some of our pictures.

Tomorrow we will be creating dragons using 3D shapes. I am looking forward to seeing the creations.

Mrs Price


What is it?

At dinner time last week the children wondered what one of the choices for pudding was. Our cook came to talk to us today about what it was.

It was a delicious watermelon and we really enjoyed tasting it.

We followed up our tasting by drawing and painting pictures of the watermelon.

Well done F2 artists.

Mrs Price


Attendance winners

Well done F2P for being the attendance winners this week. Another Ā£10 has been added to our cash wall.

Mrs Price


The egg has hatched

There was a lot of excitement as the egg cracked open to reveal what was inside. It was a……


We are thinking of a name for our dragon and are going to decide in Crew on Monday.

Mrs Price


Good listening

Jacob was chosen for the Plover postcard today for fantastic listening. Yesterday in Crew we talked about how to get better at model making and he remembered what we had said using this new information to help him make a castle. Well done to Jacob.

Mrs Price
