Doncaster Reading Miles Challenge

This next half term EYFS are going to take part in the Doncaster Reading Challenge. Each day your child reads to an adult at home in F2 or has a story read to them at home in F1 they can have a circle initialled by their grown up. When they reach one of the Doncaster destinations they can colour the picture at the bottom. Once the challenge is completed a certificate will be awarded. You can start this challenge straight away. We will be sending home the map for your child to complete.

Happy reading everyone!

Mrs Price


Pride of Plover

Apologies for the delay. This is from Friday

This week’s award goes to Casey. Casey always does her best and loves learning. This week she has worked especially hard in maths and has shown some great reasoning skills. Not only is she great at estimating but she can explain how she has grouped objects visually to arrive at her estimate. Well done Casey!

Taking our pens for a dance

Today F2 have been exploring music. We have listened to the theme tune to How to train a dragon. First we danced to the music, moving fast and slow and made high and low shapes. Then we took our pens for a dance across the paper. Our pens moved fast and slow and even did some loop-the-loops!

Working hard and getting smart.

We had not one but three very proud winners of our new postcards today!

Rayyan has been getting smart in phonics. After a delayed start in F2 (thanks to the lockdown) Rayyan has had to work doubly hard to catch up in phonics. This has only made her even more determined! Well done Rayyan you are a star in phonics!

Hasty and Anna have been working hard on their artistic skills this week and created some beautiful dragon pictures. Maybe I ought to get some signed artwork now as these girls are going to go far!

Royal mail stamp competition for national heroes!

Your child will come home tonight with a letter regarding this competition- all details can be found on the following link

If your child would like to submit an entry (and there are fantastic prizes to be won). Please bring your entry to 6B by Tuedsay 25th May and we will send your entries off on your behalf. 5 crew coins to everyone that gets involved!

-Miss Blackham


Star Readers

Well done to Aarav and Helen-Rose who have both read 5 times this week and brought their reading books and records to school every day.

Please make sure your child gets lots of red ticks for reading at home and maybe they will win a bookmark next Friday!

Pride of Plover

This week’s Pride of Plover award goes to Emmanuel for working so hard in phonics, reading and writing. He has got his very first reading book and we are all extremely proud of him.

Well done Emmanuel!

How to care for a bearded dragon

The children have been learning about more real dragons this week. We’ve been finding out how to care for a pet bearded dragon. I’m really impressed with how well everyone has collaborated and shared ideas to create posters today. Here are just a couple.