Evacuation Day!

We have travelled back in time today on our field trip to Barton on Humber .

We started the day finding out where we were being billeted to and looking at the houses where we would stay.

We then had a 1930s lesson in the classroom and wrote our postcards home. Unfortunately the air raid siren went off and we had to shelter in the school shelter.

After lunch, we learnt more about the Home Front and why children were called Churchill’s Cogs. We practised salvaging materials, looked at real gas masks and learnt what people kept in an Anderson Shelter box!

It has been a brilliant experience and we really have come face to face with the past!

It was a great day and we have all learnt so much.

Mrs Graves


KS2 Sports Day

Hi KS2 Crew

Just to clarify that KS2 (Years 3,4,5,6) sports day is on Thursday 1st September. We ask parents to arrive from 9.15am and to be seated for 9.30am. The children will then come onto the field for 9.30am ready to start their sports day activities. We also ask for children to just wear their normal PE (white t-shirt, dark shorts/joggers and trainers.)

Any questions feel free to email Mr Meade on… [email protected]


World War 2 Codebreaker Challenge

We are travelling back in time to a time when children were sent away from their families and coupons were used to buy food.

Danger was never very far away and you didn’t know if you would see your loved ones again.

We are going back to Britain in the 1940s at the time of World War 2 and it is your job to solve the puzzles and crack the code to work out the secret message.

Are you up for the job?

Can you collaborate well with your team?

Will you be the first to crack the code?

Follow this link and you will begin on your journey to the past…..
