Reading Records and New Books

KS1 Crew,

Please could we ask that children bring their reading logs and book bags in on a Thursday.

We will be checking all children’s reading records! We will be giving rewards out to children who are reading the most at home, whether that be their shared reader QR code, phonics book or a reading for pleasure book!

Reading bags and books will then be sent home again on a Friday.

Thank you for your continued support!


In 1B, we made painted the Queen’s Standard, like the one she had on her coffin. We made crowns to use later in the week for our banquet. Regan has been busy creating a shield and a sword at home- what a superstar!

Amazing Maths

We have been mastering ‘one less’. We used lots of manipulatives to build a number and take one away to show one less. We spoke in sentences: “One less than…….”. Maybe you can use things at home to let them show you?

Awesome Thursday!

We had team jigsaw building. Arez, Paisley, Evanas all got a postcard for working together and persevering

We had castle job interviews. Some children wrote a get well card for Ianis. Some children sorted all the coins and some children built some concentric castles. We even had some children sharing a picnic! We had a lovely morning!